Prayer Requests

Prayer is a powerful tool we can use to lift each other up. You are not alone! It is our mission to petition the Father on behalf of those in need. Matthew 18:20 tells us that if two or more of us are gathered together in Christ’s name, He is there with us.

If you, or a family member, is in need of prayer, our entire prayer team at Hazel Dell church of Christ will lift up your needs or thanksgivings to the Lord. Please enter your request below, or if your prayer is to find a stronger relationship with God, and/or, to learn how to become part of Christ’s body, email us at and someone will contact you for further study.

Submit Your Prayer Request
Please be specific with your needs so we can lift you and your loved ones up to the Father. If you are not comfortable leaving your name, check the anonymous box.
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  I would like to remain anonymous. Please do not post my name.
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Prayer Request Title:
Prayer Request:
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Praying for forgiveness, restoration & safety
Submitted By:Leigh Roberts
Prayer Request:Requesting prayers for personal spiritual healing / restoration, & also the same for various extended relatives. Also, physical & emotional safety of an estranged family member. Thank you so much.